Papers and Presentations

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iv. Magazine Articles
Personalisation is coming, Heath, Andy , In: SALTIS Briefing, 04/2011, (2011)
iii. Conference Papers
Position Paper on Accessibility aspects of Learner Interoperability Framework for Europe, Heath, Andy , 10/03/2006, p.1 - 4, (2006)
Position Paper on Accessibility and Inclusion aspects of Learner Interoperability Framework for Europe, Heath, A. , 11/2005, Cambridge, p.1 - 4, (2005)
Meeting the diversity of needs and preferences-A look at the IMS AccessForAll specifications' role in meeting the accessibility agenda efficiently, Treviranus, J., Heath A., and Cooper M. , Accessible Design in the Digital World …, 25/08/2005, Dundee, Scotland, (2005)
Making Sense of the State of e-Learning Standards Developments: A Personal View, Heath, A. , Future of Interoperability Standards Meeting 2010, 12/01/2010, p.1 - 4, (2010)
Learner-centred accessibility for interoperable web-based educational systems, Nevile, L., Heath A., Cooper M., Rothberg M., and Treviranus J. , In: 14th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW2005), 13/05/2005, Chiba, Japan, (2005)
Exploring the extension of learning technology systems for accessibility (ALT-C 2008), Douce, Christopher, Cooper Martyn, Porch Wendy, White Juliette, and HEATH ANDREW , ALT-C 2008: Rethinking the digital divide, 2008, Leeds, (2008)
European unified framework for accessible lifelong learning, Douce, Chris, Porch Wendy, Heath Andy, and Cooper Martyn , ALT-C 2007, 2007, Nottingham, UK., (2007)
Contextual Web Accessibility-Maximizing the Benefit of Accessibility Guidelines" for" Building the Mobile Web: Rediscovering Accessibility, Sloan, D., Heath A., Hamilton F., Kelly B., Petrie H., and Phipps L. , W4A '06 Proceedings of the 2006 international cross-disciplinary workshop on Web accessibility (W4A): Building the mobile web: rediscovering accessibility?, 2006, Edinburgh, Scotland, p.191 - 191, (2006)
The Case for Integrating Needs and Preferences in the Internet of Things, Heath, Andy , The Sixth International Conference on Advances in Human oriented and Personalized Mechanisms, Technologies, and Services, 11/2013, (2013)
Building a compliance audit for BS7988 “Code of practice for the use of information technology (IT) in the delivery of assessments”, Sclater, N., Heath A., and Grove-Stephenson Ian , Proceedings of the Sixth International Computer Assisted Assessment Conference, 09/07/2002, Loughborough, England, (2002)
i. Journal Articles
Text, Images and Language Translation in Facebook posts, Heath, A. , Novática. Monografía: Accesibilidad Web (E. Gutiérrez y Restrepo, L. Martínez Normand, & M. Ugarte García, Edits.), 06/2015, Volume 232, Issue Abril - Junio 2015, Madrid, Spain, p.30 - 37, (2015)
The Standards Fora for Online Education, Bacsich, Paul, Heath Andy, Lefrere Paul, Miller Paul, and Riley Kevin , D-Lib Magazine, Corporation for National Research Initiatives ©1999D-Lib Magazine, 12/1999, Volume 5, Issue 12, (1999)
Personalization and accessibility: integration of library and web approaches, Chapman, Ann, Kelly Brian, Nevile Liddy, and Heath Andy , Proceedings of the 15th international conference on World Wide Web, ACM New York, NY, USAWWW-06, 23/05/2006, p.871 - 872, (2006)
