i. Journal Articles
Text, Images and Language Translation in Facebook posts,
Heath, A.
, Novática. Monografía: Accesibilidad Web (E. Gutiérrez y Restrepo, L. Martínez Normand, & M. Ugarte García, Edits.), 06/2015, Volume 232, Issue Abril - Junio 2015, Madrid, Spain, p.30 - 37, (2015)
The Standards Fora for Online Education,
Bacsich, Paul, Heath Andy, Lefrere Paul, Miller Paul, and Riley Kevin
, D-Lib Magazine, Corporation for National Research Initiatives ©1999D-Lib Magazine, 12/1999, Volume 5, Issue 12, (1999)
Personalization and accessibility: integration of library and web approaches,
Chapman, Ann, Kelly Brian, Nevile Liddy, and Heath Andy
, Proceedings of the 15th international conference on World Wide Web, ACM New York, NY, USAWWW-06, 23/05/2006, p.871 - 872, (2006)